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Thread: SR Care
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11-11-2015, 11:47 AM #1
SR Care
I wonder about spey term razor storage, is a sleeve like the one on SD necessary or would a few drops of oil and just leaving it in a dry place, like the bedroom say, be OK?
the razor is used about every other day mind you, this is not for storage involving weeks or longer. Just every day storage techniques to preserve the blade from rust and other conditions of the like.
Thanks in advance,
MaxBaby Butt Smooth
11-11-2015, 12:00 PM #2
The razor socks (SRD Sack Ups) are the prime way I store all my razors.
Essentially, when a new razor arrives, it gets a drop of two in the pivot pin area of the razor, always properly cleaned and left to air dry after use, then tang first into the razor sock and neatly stored away.
The socks are treated with Ballistol I believe, and that's all you need in terms of storage.
If I am going to put a razor away for a significant period of time, then a light coating on the blade with Tuf-Glide, into a razor sock, and it gets tucked away. But for daily or every other day driving, the razor sock is fine IMO....
11-11-2015, 01:58 PM #3
The socks work well, but if you are using the razor every day simply dry it off and store it in your bedroom and you will be fine! I would not store it in the bathroom, there is too much moisture in there.
The above advice for long term storage is great
11-11-2015, 02:11 PM #4
Being fairly lazy I don't do anything to my razors, I also don't have a big rotation, one razor is used for 2 weeks out of 3 and I have 2 razors that I use on the 3rd week, but probably only once or twice each. I make an effort not to get them wet, I don't rinse them or anything, just clean off all of the lather using my forearm and a towel then a quick stripping and into a wire holder. The most used razor lives on my desk and the other 2 in a wardrobe on a shelf.
If you are keen to maintain a shiny blade then it may not be the solution for you but if you see them as a tool then it is fine as far as I am concerned. Mine are developing a bit of patina/ staining from the soap residue but that is about it.
I used to wipe them with a cloth soaked in food grade inox but cleaning then off before each use was a bit of a pain.
If I had a razor that I used infrequently then it might be a different case.Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast