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  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Bradford, UK
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    Default Wapienica Honing

    Hi all,

    Probably the wrong forum but I am having the devils own job getting an edge on my Wapienica. I'm using light pressure and started with the conservative pyramid which didn't touch the edge and went to the agressive using the TPT all along the way to gauge progress.

    I can see a bevel at the heel of the razor (after 30 mins of honing) which is confusing as I ensured that the full edge was in contact with the hone, you could even see the 'wave' of water all along the edge as it moved down the hone?

    Is the steel harder than say a Timor or am I doing something wrong?

    Last edited by Bradford Si; 05-22-2007 at 07:19 AM. Reason: My shabby spelling

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