As antique razors have time travelled forward into modern day with much desire, and the rampant ads on selling sites, I bet there are quite a few horror/heartbreak stories here. I just experience my first true 'straight' inspired WTH?! I inquired about an ad on kijij about a 35 yr old collection of razor stuff - the owner was downsizing. The seller had a wide array of straights (25 of them), DEs, and all sorts of blades etc. for $500. I wasn't too sure what the collection entailed; there were no pictures. I inquired about 'splitting' the set to buy only the straights and at first, the wife, emailed me and said it was no problem to split it up. She then emailed me back a few days later stating it's 'all or nothing' and 'you need to do it soon.' I requested pics and got some very unclear pics of crap, and no straights. I kept asking for them and I got a pic with an overview (no closeups) shot. From the 20 or so in the pic, a dubl duck gold edge was the only thing I really wanted, but was willing to entertain buying the lot if there were some more gems in there. I got numerous emails stating "$500, cash only, no less!" and "all or nothing." I drove an hour and a half to get there and there were no straights AT ALL!. The owner had apparently 'forgotten' them at home (meet up was at a yard sale and his house was 30km away). This led to a series of missed opportunities and a lot of gas being wasted, but this email is long enough. I did pick up a 6/8 W&B, but still think the whole incident was a waste of time. I know it's buyer beware, and you take risks but this was just ...stupid. Anyone care to commiserate? ...any tips on how to prevent stuff like this happening or buying crap on eBay?