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What's the deal with The Golden NIB? Do they have 2 different sites (.net and .com) or is one a scam? The reason I ask is, I have ordered from the .com site with no problems. However, I stumbled on 'their' .net site today (via Bing search engine). I found a few things, placed them in the cart and proceeded to the checkout. However, there seemed to be a problem during checkout. Frustrated (I'm on my work computer using IE), I thought maybe their site doesn't like IE, as some site are finicky. I went to Google Chrome (still not my fav, but no firefox on my work computer) and google revealed their .com addy. However, the 2 sites don't have the same items (.net offers more) and they offer Free shipping. Their .com site wanted to charge $5.95 for the same items.

This threw up red flags to me, so I quietly backed out with out ordering anything.

I understand owning the .net and .com. I own .net and .com domains both for my business, also. However, both of mine link to each other and land on one common directory, which (of course) offers the same items, pricing, etc.

Something just seemed "off."
