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Thread: My Minimalist Shave
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02-23-2018, 12:20 AM #1
My Minimalist Shave
I've been UBER busy these last three months or so gents, and have not had much time to post.
I have not had much time to SHAVE either. Gone are the days when I could luxuriate in my Shave Den for an hour or so. I need to get up, shave and get out of the house like The Flash. This is TEMPORARY and I estimate that in six months I'll be back to semi-retired and relaxing again with my straight razors and all the accessories, but for now, it's a minimalist shave.
I have had to temporarily reduce my shaving routine to bare bones. And here is what I have used EVERY DAY for the last few months;
RAZOR - Edwin Jagger DE89
CREAM - Cremo Cooling
AFTERSHAVE/ASTRINGENT COMBO - Homebrew Witch Hazel (mix of Dickinson's Witch Hazel, Tea Tree Oil, Aloe Vera Oil, White Willow Bark)
I find these four simple items outstanding for a BBS shave in rapid time with incredible results day after day. YMMV of course, but if I could only have four items to shave with, these four would be it. Feather blades work incredibly well in the DE89 because it has the perfect blade reveal for the sharpness of Feather. I can also sub a Merkur 34c with the same amazing results with Feather blades. Cremo cooling is just amazing. You can brush this into a bit of a lather, but if you are in a super hurry, you can simply put it on your face by hand. I love the menthol coolness and it's super slick and really resists razor burn and nicks and cuts. And it's dirt cheap. My concoction of Witch Hazel, Tea Tree Oil, White Willow Bark and Aloe Vera Oil makes for the perfect aftershave and astringent all in one. Tea Tree oil helps kill germs, Aloe Vera soothes and refreshes, Witch Hazel tones and soothes, and White Willow Bark is a mild anesthetic because it's in the Aspirin family.
Now, I LOVE my straight razors, and I LOVE all of my accessories and soaps and brushes and strops and stones and aftershaves and on the list goes. But when I'm this slammed for time and just need to get a 3 minute close shave that looks great and feels awesome, this works for me.
-ZipLast edited by ZipZop; 02-23-2018 at 01:13 AM.
"I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"