I think that a general question and answer database in the library and/or sticky in the newbie section would be a great addition to this forum and was wondering if anyone else thinks that it would be a good idea. Anyone who has been an active participant on this forum for an extended length of time knows that the questions that newbies ask when they are thinking about starting the hobby or are in the difficult beginning stages of the journey while well thought out and important are often predictable and repetitive. Although I want to help everyone and anyone who wants to take up the great hobby, it is often time consuming and boring to answer the same questions over and over again so I often refrain from giving advice. The people who give advice are most often the people who are only a little past the newbies on the learning curve because they are the ones who are most excited about their new “breakthroughs”.

My proposition is to compile an organized list/database of the most common questions that are asked and then answer the questions in a manner that is as objective as possible; if there are different experienced opinions/answers to the question then we could present both answers. This way if a beginner has a question they can just look in the database; most likely the question will have already been asked and answered before and they will be good to go. If the question is a new question then they can ask in the forums and get their answer that way. The question and answer could later be added to the database if those who maintain it feel that it would be a good addition. In my opinion this would be a great time saving tool for both the newbies searching for answers and the experienced members who are generous enough with their time to help those asking questions. Some of the more common questions that quickly come to mind for me in no particular order are:

- What do I need to start shaving with a straight razor?
- What is the difference between honing and stropping?
- I just bought a new razor and it is not shaving well; what is the problem?
- What is the difference between the different sizes/grinds that I see, which one should I start with?
- When and how many times do I need to strop my straight razor on the linen and leather?
- How do I use pastes?
- What stones/pastes do I need to touch up/hone my own razors?
- What is the pyramid method, and how do I use it?
- How do I perform and interpret the results of the various sharpness tests?
- How do I flatten my stones?
- Etc.

If we did decide to do this then we would need to compile a list of common questions and then figure out a way to provide the best answers possible. Maybe a committee of experts would be the best way to go, this is something that we would have to decide. Since this is Lynn’s forum, obviously he would have the final say in whether or not this is a good idea and if it were implemented then he would be the judge as to the answers to all the questions. I am just trying to get some feedback at this point as far as whether you guys think that this would be something worth putting time into creating as I do.
