Back in my pre-straight days, I didn't know how to prep for a shave, and I didn't know about shaving soaps & brushes. So every now & then I would wonder, "Are cartridge razors really that bad, or was it my bad prepping?"

This past weekend I flew out of town with only a carry-on bag, so I had to take a cartridge razor b/c I don't want to spend the rest of my life at Guantanamo Bay. However, I took my brush & soap.

For a single-pass shave, the disposable did better than the straight when the cartridge was brand new (albeit with some bloodletting). However, for the full 3-pass shave, the cartridge shaved significantly less close & produced a lot of burn.

By the second shave, the cartridge had already begun to burn, even on the first pass. It also produces a very uneven stubble, where some hairs are clipped down to the skin, but others are sticking out slightly and are left with sharp points.

My girlfriend was not pleased.

So if any of you were wondering whether all this is worth the effort...

Yes. Yes it is.