Yesterday we were visiting my brother in law and his girlfriend. My daughter was going to help finding chocolate easter eggs.

Anyway, he (my bil) comes in an I say:

Me: 'you could have shaved... '
He: 'I just did, but only one pass so that the blades last longer. Don't you know what they cost these days?'
Me: Nope, I don't. It has been a long time since I bought some.
His gf says 'Ah you get them for christmas etc?'
Me:No, I shave with old style barbers razors.
His GF: 'Oh yes you told me. Isn't that dangerous?'
Me: No. Not more than with mach 3.
His GF: And is it better?

At which my wife jumps in the conversation

B&C: You wouldn't believe how smooth it is. It is MUCH better than how he felt when he still used those disposables.

So then she wants to feel.
She takes my shoulders and starts rubbing her face against my cheeks and she says 'MMmmmmmmmmmmmmm I could do this all day long'

(I am a married spud... I am a married spud...)

Still, I don't think he'll start using a straight.