Quote Originally Posted by napoleon View Post
As I'm new to straights I have 2 questions.

1. Why is it so important to have perfect scales? Meaning no distorted pins, hairline cracks...

2. If you take care of them, do the scales last long as the razor or do they have to be replaced?


In my opinon, for functionality, there are three important considerations:

1. Does the razor close without clipping the edge of the scales.
2. If they're celluloid - are they in good shape with no off-gassing
3. Maybe most important - are they pinned well and tightly.

I can't STAND a blade that swivels loosely in the scales. If there isn't proper tension, I think that makes them difficult to hone, strop and shave with.

Beyond that, considerations are largely a matter of personal preference for aesthetic or collectible purposes, although balance and feel are affected by scale material choices, too.