So far I've never dropped one, knock on wood
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So far I've never dropped one, knock on wood
I watched as it fell. I instinctively started to grab for my precious Dubl Duck, but sanity thankfully kicked in and I jumped back to ensure the razor had plenty of room to land. The end result was just a very, very minor chip right at the bevel that I honed out on a barber hone.
Luckily no drops yet, " knocks fervently on multiple wooden surfaces", but with the name Murphy, you never know...
One fell out of my hands some time ago before or after a shave. In an instant, I automatically lifted both hands away and stepped back in one motion as if I'd practiced such an evasive maneuver a 1,000 times even though I'd never done it before, and I let that sucker FALL!!!!
We are talking shave ready straight razors here, guys!
I lucked out; as if in slow motion, since it was in an open position javelin style, it landed "DONK" dead center on the toe and fell gracefully on it's side. Not one bit of damage and not one nick or chip to the edge! Whew, that was close.
Chris L
The last time, just before starting this thread, I dropped my sharpest razor, a 13/16 singing, full hollow Marks & Co Fontana. I was picking it up from the dining room table where I'd laid it fully open and I bobbled it. I jumped back and watched the spine clang against the steel arm of a chair, it rang all the way to the carpet. No damage.:tu
The previous time I was shaving and my hands were kind of soapy. I was changing grips and it started to slip out of my hand and I tried to catch it. Oh, I caught it alright. The sight of the corner of the blade (heel?) buried in the pad of my thumb freaked me out. I convulsively dropped-threw the sollie into the sink. I watched it bounce around in there for awhile.:eek: Again, no damage ... to the razor at least.:tu
Working with knives all day in a hot kitchen, I know to jump back and pray. Almost having an 11" yanagi slide through your palm is good practice on getting the heck out of the way. If my Bismarck clanged to the floor, many tears would be shed, rather those than blood.
I like most of my razors so I hang on to them. I don't put them down until I put them away. Fortunately, I have never dropped one and would like to keep it that way!
If I'm in shaving in the shower then I'll just catch it with my *****, but if I'm by the sink I jump back because I 'ain't loosing no toes. Never mind It's early.
I haven't dropped one until now.
If so, my mind will tell to get away, but my reflexes will grab for the blade I'm affraid.
Just starting out, so I have not dropped one, but I am afraid I have a habit of trying to break the fall of things I drop with my foot. Maybe I should wear work boots when I shave...