My dad is a long-time electric shaver, I've been trying to get him to try real shaving but he has said he doesn't have time. He recently retired so I'm thinking maybe he'll have a little more time now (of course now he's got consulting contracts so it's not "real" retirement). I kinda want to get him some straight shaving supplies and get him to try it, but I'm concerned that he may just never try it, and that he may not have the neccissary patience to go through the learning process. I don't want to spend $150 on start up stuff for him just to have it sit in a drawer somewhere never being used.

I considered giving him one of my straights but I really don't want to give any of them up...
I'm thinking about getting a new brush maybe a silvertip or something a little nicer than my current one. Maybe give him my current Shavemac 944, some Mamabear soap (easiest to learn with I think), and perhaps a feather razor that he won't have to strop, etc?

I also am considering ordering a nicer strop for myself which would free up my tony miller apprentice strop for him to start with if I went that route.

Anyone here have any suggestions? Is the scenario I mentioned a reasonable one for attempting to convert a dry shaver?