I gave a talk title this year, on top of others I do for a university evening lecture series, called 'Out with the new, in with the old - straight razors and fountain pens'. It's always the same - thought it would be a fun one at the time and now the date is looming...

Although this will mainly concern me waxing lyrical about two hobbies, I also want to give a bit of a discourse on why people today want to go with old things and ways of working. I know my reasons - collecting, learning new skills, doing something a bit different etc. What are yours? Things such as neo victorians and young fogeys may be brought into play

If you can tell me why you think straights are important to you it would be very useful - it will help bring the talk into more of a researched way of working rather than just my own personal views. Also if you had any cool digital images that I could use in the talk (I am using my own photos otherwise but other images of gear or anything that you think may be interesting would be superb) you could maybe pm me and I could give you an email address to pass on? I will push SRP too, of course.

Happy New Year to one and all.

Oh - and if possible I will post the talk (PPT presentation format) with a link for folks to have a read after it is finalised.
