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Thread: xman's Giveaway

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  1. #1
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Talking xman's Giveaway

    It's time to pay it forward.

    In honour of Little Man's impending first birthday I will be giving away a fine razor which I won in a draw here some three years ago.

    It is a 7/8 J Wolstenholm & Sons Ebro notch point wedge with picked bone and faux mother of pearls scales, a stained maple spacer and a glass bead between the scales at the third pin. The razor was restored by Bill Ellis of Billy's Blades and the blade bears his name as a testament to his handiwork. It is a very good Sheffield shaver and I have enjoyed using it. It's also quite a looker. See for yourself:

    The rules will be similar to those under which it came into my possession so this razor is not for the newest members. Sorry. You must have contributed to SRP in at least a mildly meaningful way for a time already. This is intended to ensure that the razor goes to someone who will absolutely appreciate it and not just be looking for a free first straight razor.

    Here are the rules:

    1. You must have a join date BEFORE December 2008. That still keeps many of our new members eligible.

    2. You post in this thread stating clearly that you would like to be part of the draw by midnight pacific time on March 6th, the night before my son's birthday.

    3. Each eligible applicant will be given a number in the order their interest was shown in this thread and a number will be generated by a True Random Number Generator. Whoever has the assigned number corresponding to the randomly generated number is the winner. My wife, the Validator will be living up to her title and acting as an unbiased witness.

    4. You must agree never to sell the razor. You got it free and you give it free. I think it would be cool if the tradition of these rules were upheld in the event of passing it on, but I leave that to your discretion. Perhaps you'll come up with something equally appropriate, but different.

    So ...

    Who's in?


    Edit: Third time's the charm so I think I better reiterate that you MUST have joined November 2008 or earlier to be included in this draw. I don't mean to be cruel or anything, but I figured that was a good date to include members who have been around for a bit. Three months seems like a good number and as I recall, those were the parameters when I won it. Them's the rules. No exceptions will be made. Sorry. To all those left out of this round, I hope your time will come soon.

    Edit the 2nd: I just found the old thread where I won this razor and the original rules were that you must have posted at least 400 times! You guys are getting off easy.
    Last edited by xman; 02-20-2009 at 03:47 PM.

  2. The Following 25 Users Say Thank You to xman For This Useful Post:

    AlanII (02-20-2009), Bart (02-20-2009), BeBerlin (02-20-2009), ben.mid (02-20-2009), Ben325e (02-22-2009), coachmike (03-06-2009), crichton (02-20-2009), darrensandford (03-06-2009), dwessell (02-20-2009), fpessanha (02-20-2009), freebird (02-21-2009), Jimbo (02-20-2009), jimmyray (02-20-2009), jjpharris (02-20-2009), Kees (02-20-2009), khat (02-21-2009), lawman2 (02-24-2009), mlangstr (02-21-2009), nightbreed (03-04-2009), paco (02-28-2009), rastewart (02-21-2009), RayG (02-20-2009), Sandcounty (02-20-2009), spazola (02-20-2009), StraightRazorDave (02-20-2009)

  3. #2
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Thanx X, if you would be so kind as to count me in, I would appreciate it.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  4. #3
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    Oh, I can't resist. You know how many of these types of give aways I had to pass up on just because I was a stinking moderator?

    I'm so, so, so, in.

    Any either way. This is a really classy thing to do. Good on ya!

  5. #4
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AFDavis11 View Post
    Oh, I can't resist. You know how many of these types of give aways I had to pass up on just because I was a stinking moderator?

    I'm so, so, so, in.

    Any either way. This is a really classy thing to do. Good on ya!
    I always thought you were a great moderator Alan.......

    Way to go X


  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Thanks for the opportunity Xman, please count me in.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  7. #6
    Dapper Dandy Quick Orange's Avatar
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    Hook a brother up

    Happy birthday Little X!

  8. #7
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    Nice razor! Please count me in.

    Pretty please?

  9. #8
    Senior Member
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    I'm in! That's a cool razor. And I do solemnly swear (should I win it) to never sell it and re-PIF it after having some fun with it.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth coachmike's Avatar
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    I'm in....That is a very cool lookjing razor and you are very kind to pass it on.
    Having Fun Shaving

  11. #10
    Mr. Meat Helmet Amyn's Avatar
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    A very kind gesture ....
    Count me in.

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