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  1. #1
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    Default Japanese razor site....

    The following is a Japanese site that has some traditional Japanese razors and our standard Solingen razors. It has a long loading time and the razors are near the bottom of the page.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  2. #2
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Some of those prices are really out of sight.

  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    What I don't understand about those Japanese blades is how you protect the edge from getting destroyed. Is there something we don't know about how they're stored or something like do they come with a case?

  4. #4
    Senior Member Dr_Phong's Avatar
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    Thank-you thank-you thank-you! You know I'm interested in those after seeing Tony Miller's Japanese razors in the user gallery. I love the simplicity of traditional Japanese design.

    I think Tony also said that you have to use a totally different technique to shave with those bad boys.

    I did the currency conversions, The least expensive is around $60 and the most expensive is around $300. Not much different than the price ranges we see for new razors of varying quality.

    Now, does anyone know what the official name is so that I can run some searches and find some deals and info? I've tried in the past to run searches on Japanese Razors and only come up with razor sharp Japanese swords.

    Any and all info would be greatly appreciated.


  5. #5
    imported_Tony Miller


    Yes, they are quite different to use because of the single bevel and a fixed handle. A quick experiment before investing is to cut that shape out of cardboard and mark one side of the "blade" and try going through the shaving movements keeping that makerd side away from your face. If you are right handed the right side of ones face is easy. it's the left side that is difficult because the handle must be near your ear making for an awkward reach.
    For size, the blue handle razor is 6" long with 1 7/8" of blade. the depth of the blade is 3/4" (6/8 in our terms). The blue handle ones have quite a heft to them and the bare handle ones are pretty light.
    I still need to shave today so will use one today and comment later on the results. Been a few months since I used mine.

  6. #6
    imported_Tony Miller


    Okay, tried the Japanese blade today after a few months without using it. I am still convinced it was designed fir shaving someone else, not yourself. The single sided blade is NOT user friendly unless you happen to be a side show contorsionist. Basically right side cheek and right side neck downstrokes are easy. Short 1 7/8" blade means more strokes, spike tip means be careful :lol: Left side cheek and neck means your right hand is in your left ear with a backhanded grasp. Tried it left handed as I usually do on my left side but because of the single sided blade the edge is now on the little finger side of the hand indstead of the thumb side so a backhanded grasp is still better. Good close shave but the blade is hard to control in this manner. Now upstrokes on the left are easy, upstrokes on the right are difficult again because you need an odd backhanded type grip to do them. I am sure with a week of using it alone it would become easier but never as easy as a conventional straight razor.
    All in all a nice exeperience and one of my closest shaves yet.

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