Hey everybody!

I just located this fine site, and I've been looking over the vast amounts of material and resources it contains, feeling a little overwhelmed. So I figured that while I'm checking it out, I might as well introduce myself.

I'm new to the straight razor game, but eager to start playing. I don't have any materials yet, of course, because I've only just begun to read up on what's out there, and I would feel dumb if I just dove in and bought something the rest of you might scoff at. But what did peak my interest were a few straight razors I saw in a knife store yesterday (I actually went in to look at Henckel Chef's knives). I had been sort of interested in straight razor shaving already, but it wasn't until I saw a few that were brand new that I thought, "Hey, this is actually a possibility for me!" Heh.

I watched the home video of Mr. Lynn shaving, and kind of held my hands to my throat and face the whole time. More suspenseful than Hitchcock! I'm a little timid, you see, and I'm sure that's not an uncommon reaction. I mean... it's a razor and you drag it over your throat! But it was a very helpful demonstration, though! Now I have a general understanding of what to do.

What appeals to me about this manner of grooming is how classic it is. I collect antiques as much as I can (I'm only 22), and I've seen a lot of blades in shops; most of them out of commission due to rust. (Or perhaps not, I don't know.) It's neat to think that before some dude came along and said, "Guys, now you won't have to worry about cuts anymore - I call it a 'safety razor'!" everyone who removed unwanted hair from their face did it with an instrument that could also slice it right off - That's hardcore!

I'm trading in my Gillette Twin-blade for a more efficient weapon. I want to shave like a cowboy by the campfire; a mobster in some dank hideout; a Romantic poet dying of TB! Yeah, man! Where do I sign up?

Okay, that was stupid. I'm sorry.

I'm just going to assume the role of a student, shut my mouth and ask you experts to guide me, if you don't mind. Where do I begin? Where do I go? What do I need?

Okay, great. Thanks! 8)