Dear Admin(s),

A couple of days ago my screen changed its appearance. Taking example from my work experiences, I keep chanting, "change is good, change is swell, change is grand." And the new screen ain't bad, but... the ad that's placed on the right side competes for space with the first three posts and I can find no way to either cancel it or scroll past it. Is there a secret to minimize it or put it somewhere else or promise to look at it later and make it go away?

The boldly featured ads are from vendors with whom I do business, so being able to minimize or shift the ad is not going to prevent me from buying from them. On the other hand if the insistence and immobility of the ad vexes me sufficiently, and prevents me from reading the forum topic which has caught my eye, I just may seek to buy from another vendor. I've always thought that things should work for me too.

So like the kid asks, who starts to play in the sandbox just visited by the neighborhood cats, "what's the scoop."