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  1. #1
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    Default new guy with a few questions

    First, I would like to say how enjoyable reading this forum is for me.
    I bought a new dovo, and have shaved a couple times. I have a strop that my barber gave me, but it looks a little dry. I rubbed some bick 4 on it in an attempt to soften and revive it. The strop also has a linen strop that appears gummy. I am wondering if the leather should get some other conditioner, and if the linen can be salvaged. The strop is 2.5", and reads "dubl duck". I would also like to know what I should look for in the way of a hone. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    No, you'll never be able to salvage that strop. Send it to me for proper disposal

    Seriously, for the leather you can buy strop dressing from a number of sources. I like Ray at For the linen, you can just use soapy water & a brush, then let it dry on its own. Shouldn't require any maintenance.

    As for a hone, most folks prefer the Norton 4000/8000 3" hone, also available at the above website.

    Welcome to the group!

  3. #3
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    A Dubl Duck strop! You lucky dog! For reconditioning the strop use Goop or Gojo, the non- abrasive stuff, to clean it first. If it still seems to dry then you can get some of the strop conditioner or use a couple of DROPS of neets foot oil or mink oil and work it into the leather with your hand. Traditionally this is then followed by rubbing the strop with a glass bottle for an extended period of time and repeated over several days without adding any more conditioner. The most common mistake is to use to much strop conditioner. Then your strop becomes gummy. Be sure to also apply the conditioner to the back side of the strop.

    The linen can be cleaned with soap, water and a brush. Then lay it between two towels and place a heavey weight on it for 24 hours. After that remove the weight and place the linen on a fresh dry towel but do not cover it up. Do not put the linen in a wash machine. That will remove the conditioner, if any, that has been put in the strop and will make it very soft and flexible.

    Hope this helps,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  4. #4
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    Thanks a million, gents! I appreciate your advice.


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