Good evening shaving fiends. You have all heard of the 3 little pigs? This weeks teaser I will call the three little shavers.

The answer will require you to supply a moral for the story.

Pig one has just honed up his new vintage DD satinedge which he honed using a chunk of slate he found in his backyard and as he cuts his face for the 4th time he hears a knock at the door and sees its the monster honer. (his house is also made of straw) He tells the pig he spied on him and will blow down his house for being a bad honer wanting the easy way out and he does and then he eats him.

Pig two (the one in the house made of razor coffin boxes) has just honed his new TI with the crooked pin job and terrible factory honing and the monster tells the pig he will blow down his house because he's lame accepting a razor like that. So he blows down his house and eats him.

Pig three (the one in the house made of coticule material) has just expertly honed and restored his W&B wedge so well he made Glen cry like a baby. So he tells the pig I want in to inspect your honing and the pig says I don't believe you, you just want to eat me. But the monster honer can't blow the house down no matter how hard he tries. So an hour later the pig leaves his house on the way to his knife forging shop and is confronted by the monster honer. The pig says, "I've expertly honed my razor and live in a coticule house what do you want from me?" The monster says I want to eat you. But why says the pig and monster laughs and says well.. because I can and I will.

Just then as the big monster honer makes a grab for the pig he (the pig) drops to ground and wips out from his boot his 8/8s W&B super wedge and slices the monsters neck. The monster falls dead. However he left the razor embedded in the monsters throat and went off to work and a little ways down the path is confronted by the big bad wolf who eats him.

So the moral of the story is.....

Remember, think outside the box, be creative and stay tuned for the official answer on Wednesday.