Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit with my uncle and show him a few things about straight shaving. A while ago I fixed him up with a nice wapi that I refinished and scaled in claro walnut and a silvertip badger brush I made from flamed maple and walnut, and yesterday I finally got to show him how to use it. We talked about prep, stropping, different passes and strokes, razor care etc, and what supplies he needed and showed him how to strop on newspaper for a quick refresh (I've recently really liked newspaper in my edge prep routine). Anyway, it was a great experience and it really helped him make sense of the instructions he was given. I'm trying to bring him to SRP so he can see the info available here and make some shaving friends...he's a bit tech shy, but I think he'll show up here before too long. Anyway, if you ever get the chance to sit down with someone and show them the ropes it is a great experience.

Hope everyone has a great day
