Hi there,

I have been a long-time reader on these outstanding forums and have recently re-discovered the wish to try straight razor shaving again.

Thanks to some members here (especially thanks to Tony!) I found a good source for a resonably priced Friodur in 5/8th and I also purchased strops and another Timor 6/8 from Diamondedge - who btw. offer an outstanding service !

Well, to make a long story short: the first few shaves with my 5/8 are behind me, without major nicks and problems. Main thing for me still is to figure out how to handle the razor for each part of the face - aside from the "small" rest of keeping a correct angle and so on.... For now I have to do clean up with my DE, as I keep from going against the grain until I got at least the basic moves figured out with the grain.

Just want to say thank you to you guys here who gave me much information through the vast number of messages in this outstanding forum !
