Greeting all!

I am a graphic design student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and my class is doing a project based on packaging design. Since I'm posting this here we can only assume that I have chosen the straight razor as my product to re-package

What I'm specifically trying to do with my packaging is to bring straight razors back into the public eye and market them towards younger generations. I'm looking at a demographic of 17-25 year old males - trying to break them from the bonds of the gillette corporation before it is too late. I'm shooting for this market since I've never known of one of my peers using a straight razor and it may be something some would be interested in if they desire a better shaving experience.

I'm trying to market straight razors to what could be considered a very masculine crowd - men who like to hunt, fish, work on cars, etc ... manly men.

If you could answer the following questions I'd appreciate it tremendously!

1. How old are you?

2. When did you start using a straight razor?

3. Why do you use a straight razor?

4. Where do you live? What type of area is it?(urban, country?)

5. What sort of hobbies to you enjoy outside of sharpening razors ?

6. If you are older, do you have a son that may have interest in using a straight razor? if so how old is he?

7. Why did you start using a straight razor? Were you dissatisfied with other types of razors? Tradition?

8. Where did you buy your razor?

9. Do you feel that shaving with a straight is worth any additional time it may take you to complete your shave?

(also if you happen to know, where might I find a fairly cheap straight razor, for visual reference purposes only... you guys have balls I don't have )

That should do it, I greatly appreciate your responses! Hopefully we can get straight razors back on the shelfs next to those snooty mach 3's
