1. I have found that second day shaves with the same razor are poor (with a small sample behind me). So do most of you guys rotate out of enjoyment, or is it really better to shave with a different straight and allow the "fin" to restretch etc? I'm a little sceptical about this.

2. I'm thinking about my next razor (I only have 3 that shave nice). Does anyone use a stainless steel razor for everyday use? I have several other options open to me, just curious about that. I was thinking stainless would be convienent and cool for an overhoner such as myself. :-) Lynn once mentioned to me that they don't shave as comfortable to him, thoughts? I'd love to be able to put off drying the razor in the A.M. I think its either a stainless or 1/2 hollow next for me (I'm into experimenting still).

3. I've tried flattening and smoothing out my strop and have only managed to imprint the leather with divots. Not a big problem but anybody have a simple idea to fix these. I was thinking about rubbing it with my palm for a few weeks like Lynn does, but I thought maybe something simpler or quicker might be eluding me.

4. I'm beginning to think that I prefer a smoother slightly duller blade than I expected for shaving. I think even .5 paste may be too sharp for me. Anyone else find this to be the case? Without it I can get a really smooth shave. And good prep overcomes the razors dullness, but too sharp and its hard to shave with and nicks alot. Maybe just a few runs on the .5 for now. Guess I just never thought about experimenting by backing the razor off, making it duller and smoother, and just shaving for a while.

5. For the experienced shavers: how often do you go between honings usually? I'm just looking for a ballpark, I think I'm going to use a barbers hone to touch up a razor when it starts pulling, but I'm amazed at how sharp a strop alone can get the blade when done correctly. I'm guess 3 months between real honing intervals?

Any comments welcome, to any of the questions. Thanx