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  1. #1
    Senior Member mgraepel's Avatar
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    Question Alternate materials for blades

    Has anyone investigated other materials for straight razor blades? I'm thinking things like ceramic or tungsten or even titanium. Look at the difference under a microscope and tell me this wouldn't have possibilities.

    This is a product called "endurium" and it has been used for 3,000,000 feet of cutting:

    Now this one is standard carbon steel after 250,000 feet of cutting:

    I've already shot an email off to this particular company and they said they don't do shaving products, but they did refer me to another company. Any thoughts on this?

    [EDIT]I found an answer to part of my own question on Kyocera's website:
    The peeler is great! How come you don't make a shaver?
    Too dangerous! A metal razor blade has a relatively "rounded" edge (under the microscope) which prevents the blade from cutting into the skin. A ceramic razor blade, however, does not have a rounded edge and slices into the skin. Thus, a ceramic shaver would be too dangerous to use. Several engineers in Sendai who tested prototypes can confirm this painful fact!
    That still leaves tungsten and titanium, though...[/EDIT]
    Last edited by mgraepel; 10-17-2005 at 08:18 PM.

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