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Thread: My new Hen & Rooster
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11-23-2005, 04:21 PM #1
My new Hen & Rooster
The $58 Hen and Rooster razor that I purchased from Tony Miller arrived quickly and in good order.
First impressions
Upon first handling, the razor feels heavier than other 5/8s I’ve handled. This is most likely due to the deeper belly (the swelling after the concave) and the beefy shank which does not have any jimping. All the weight is in the blade- the scales being thin white plastic with a silver inlay of the Hen & Rooster logo. The blade is also etched with the logo in a dull gray and is blessedly free from those gaudy gold washes.
The blade/scale pivot is very snug and much to my liking. When I’m cleaning, stopping, or changing hands, I don’t want that blade making any unexpected swings toward my fingers.
There was one cosmetic defect. On the spine there is a small spot where the grinding wheels must have chattered and the final polishing did not completely remove.
Overall fit and finish is good. The snug pivot and blade weight make for a good balance and handling.
The edge is true. It passed the hanging hair test at the heel, arch, and toe. The second test was to plink a few fine hairs off the back of my hand. This it did easily with little pressure.
The Shave.
The real test of any razor is in the shave. After a shower, I lathered with T&H 1805 (a sample I had been saving for the occasion) and a boar brush (we don’t need no stinking badgers.) The first N/S pass was smooth and uneventful but another pass was needed. I relathered and went S/N with a few random flails under the nose in around my dimpled chin.
Rinse with cold water.
The shave was good and easy- surprisingly so since this was the first time out with an unfamiliar blade. I did nothing to the edge. I used it just as Tony sent it and it was truly shave ready.
The next day
Just to make sure that first easy shave wasn’t a fluke, I repeated the above the next day- though this time out I did strop it. The second shave was just as friendly and a little closer which I attribute to the growing familiarity with the blade.
Bottom Line
Likes: The weight and balance and the smooth beefy shank. Very user friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Delivered shave ready! A good value at $58.
The velvet presentation box- would prefer a more utilitarian coffin. Biggest dislike- Tony doesn’t have any more.
Library Guy