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Thread: Paki Razors

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  1. #1
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    Default Paki Razors

    This Ebay listing

    got me thinking about all the Paki razors out there. How many people buy one hoping to get a good shave and end up so discouraged that they go back to their Mach IIIs?

    To my knowledge, these are confirmed Pakis;

    Two Golden Man
    Rockwell Solingen
    And, the so called "Dutch" razors

    Can anyone else add to this list? Should the list be posted on this site somewhere so newbies can find this info without having to ask? Maybe a "Hall of Shame".

    Is the list here on the website and I just havn't found it?

  2. #2
    Shave ready wopmanfixit's Avatar
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    I think the "Dutch" in the "best quality razor Dutch" listing is refering to it being a Dutch auction, if thats the dutch razor you're refering to.
    They are Paki's and the only ones that sell in a dutch auction. I also think the "Kamisori" razors are Paki, they claim they're made with Japanese steel, but they don't say where they're made. Just another Paki trick?

  3. #3
    Senior Member dawill's Avatar
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    I too fell into the trap of the Paki razors. Since then I've learned a little bit more about what I'm looking for! Hopefully someone else will see this helpful hint and steer clear of the "junk" on eBay waiting for the unsuspecting novice (read: me).

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Somebody, I think it might have been Bill, recently provided a list. I propose that we add to that list and include a Help file Titled "Junk Razors, Stay Away" or something that will tell newbs what not to buy. It'll be a little easier to access rather than doing a search or stumbling across it in the forum. All in favour say 'aye'.


  5. #5
    Senior Member Tony Miller's Avatar
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    Mabye the "sticky" idea that was propsed a while back. One post at the top f the forums giving a very basic guide to newbies as to what to avoid and a quick list of the basic stuff needed to get started, ie razor, mug, soap, brush strop.
    This would tell them what not to buy on ebay and what items they will need to have to get going. We could in the same post encourage them to ask detailed questions in the rest of the Forums.
    Maybe as group we could assemble the guidelines, have it posted by a moderator, then lock the thread so it does not grow endlessly like on some boards. This would still prompt them to ask for advice in the respective area of the forum.
    From a legal standpoint you may not exactly want to label them as junk but maybe a generic warning that Pakistani and equivalent razors tend not to take or hold an edge and then a simple list of Paki razors by brand name. You have not said "don't buy them" and you have not singled out specific dealer either so the liability issue would be avoided.

    Sadly though many people starting out find eBay and the Paki razor first before stumbling upon our group.

    Any thoughts?

    The Heirloom Razor Strop Company / The Well Shaved Gentleman

  6. #6
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I just started a new thread on this. Contribute what you can please.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  7. #7
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    I was almost put off straight razor shaving by buying a Pakistani razor until I was saved by this place! So I definitely add my vote to the ayes.

  8. #8
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wopmanfixit
    I think the "Dutch" in the "best quality razor Dutch" listing is refering to it being a Dutch auction,
    Beware anything to do with with these folks. I was going to buy a soprano sax from them until I read all the fine print. They seem to walk the fine line between legal and scamming.

    If you go to their website You'll see that the razor desc says dutch there also. Used to say dutch on ALL of them but after my run in with them they changed some (not all). When I called them and asked which dutch country the razors were made in they got testy and, after giving me a few insults, said that it was because they cut and pasted their ebay desc into their website desc's.

    If you read their return policy it appears that basically they have what it cost them plus a smaller profit margin built into their return costs. I.E. you won't get most of your money back and they won't lose the sale. It works in their favor whenever someone returns something and they resell it.

  9. #9
    Occasionally Active Member joesixpack's Avatar
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    I think there should be something in the FAQ section. Something to give advice to the curious newbies.

  10. #10
    Senior Member dawill's Avatar
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    I bought from Bayou Classics also FUD, definitely a place to avoid. I vote for the sticky thread!!

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