I recently realized that my purchasing habits for new shave gear are quite cyclical. I will go a few months with what I have and then get a wild hair and order a variety of new things at once from different vendors and private sellers. Case in point ordering two new badger hair Semogues from Leon at VintageShaving and trading for a third right after ordering a new strop from both Hand American and Tony Miller. Now, while i love to check my online tracking of packages, not shipping method gives up to the minute tracking. So I started keeping a piece of paper on the back side of my front door with a list of my purchases. When it comes in I check it off. Pretty simple and it helps keep me excited about what is coming next. Not that I really need any help with that though.

I was looking at my list this morning after the postman arrived with the standard collection of junk mail and none of my new toys and wondered what other people do, if anything, for the same purpose.