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Thread: Razor Bumps

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  1. #1
    CRR is offline
    Whisker Wacker
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    Great Advice Rob,

    My routine, like many others here I would imagine, is very similar. I think learning the fine details can take a very long time. I've been shaving with the straight now for close to three months and just now really starting to feel comfortable with the basic shave, but the nuances will continue to come for years I would imagine.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Joe Lerch's Avatar
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    Rob, I don't have an ingrown problem myself, but I've read a lot about it on the various shaving boards. The guys most pone to it have curly hair. It seems to be caused by a combination of irritation and cutting the whiskers too short. What seems to work best is to learn where you problem areas are and be extra careful there about irriatation and closeness.

    If you have areas that you want to heal, you might intentionally not shave them as close as possible and avoid repeated passes that produce irritatiion. After they heal you can experiment and see what you can get away with. Change one thing at a time.

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