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02-07-2010, 12:43 AM #1
Thebigspendurs Weekly Shavong Brainbuster-Special Edition.
Good evening shaving fiends
A.P Wire Service-Grants, New Mexico. The New Mexico State Police report the strange death of Eunice La Fong at the New Mexico Women’s Correctional Facility at Grants, New Mexico.
La Fong had been convicted in the death of her husband Homer and was sentenced to 40 years imprisonment in Nevada but was moved to New Mexico two years ago. The sensational case revolved around the Sparks, Nevada couple and a mysterious straight razor. It seems Eunice called local authorities to report, while Homer was shaving with his Traditional Japanese Straight Razor it just seemed to come to life and cut his throat resulting in his demise.
Subsequent investigation revealed it had belonged to a Japanese Kamikaze pilot who was killed during a mission and he had shaved with that razor before departing on that mission. It was suspected the razor was haunted. However, local authorities received a tip from a dealer in antiquities in Hokkaido, Japan alleging he had sold the razor to La Fong with the express warning about its history and other strange occurrences surrounding it in Japan. Apparently La Fong had taken out a multimillion dollar insurance policy on Homer prior to his death and just waited for the razor to do its job. Unfortunately the original dealer heard about the incident and tried to blackmail La Fong for an undisclosed amount of cash. La Fong refused and he fingered her in the crime.
Under intense interrogation she finally admitted to the plot and was found guilty and sentenced to the 40 year term.
Since the trial, the razor which was in the custody of local authorities had disappeared and has been traced to some little known internet straight razor site called “SRP” where it is suspected to have been used in some razor pass around ritual by this cult of fiends. Sources at Gillette the world authority on men’s shaving said, “after all who in this day and age would use something like a straight razor other than a bunch of weirdoes and misanthropes”.
New Mexico Authorities investigating the death of La Fong stated she was found by fellow inmates in the prison shower in a pool of blood with a Japanese Razor sticking out of her neck. However, when the authorities arrived the razor was gone. Fellow inmates report for weeks before the incident late at night a strange shadowy figure identified as a young man in a WW ll Japanese aviators uniform wandered the corridors asking where his razor was. Inmates who found La Fong said she had a ribbon with Japanese Script on it tied around her head and a small glass of sake, (a traditional Japanese rice wine) was found near her body.
Authorities are continuing to investigate.
The shaving brainbuster for this week asks the question, 1-who honed that mysterious razor and who do you think now has it? Also #2, how would you hone a haunted razor?
The first person to come up with a logical answer to this last question #2 will win a prize.No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero