Hello all,

I have an "internet friend" that I met through fedora-lounge. Lives locally, but we haven't had the opportunity to meet yet. Through our talks he's expressed a lot of interest in straight shaving, and as he sent me (unrequested) an ascot and bow tie, I was thinking of trying to get him a decent razor as a starter. Not sure what I'd do about getting him a strop/brush etc, but thought the razor is the most tangible part of the whole outfit and might give him the bug to get the rest.

Anyway, I was wondering what the best bet is for a good shaving yet inexpensive razor... I got thinking about this with people talking about the Gold Dollar razors in the $13 range. I might watch Ebay. I'm not afraid to do the honing etc to get one in decent shaving condition, but want something worth the effort (i.e. not a Zeepk like my first one was!).

Alternatively, anyone here that has a spare sitting around they'd part with for cheap, let me know!