I thought it might be interesting to bring back some old topics when we first started this forum. So periodically I'll introduce a topic with the essentials of the initial post on the thread and we can discuss it and then I'll tell you where to find the complete thread and we can see if attitudes have changed with all the new membership. If you see your thread don't give it away.

So the first topic is....drumroll....

As a matter of curiosity, how much hone wear is acceptable/usual on a brand new razor? The reason I ask is that I was in a store the other day looking at a new Dovo and noticed quite a bit of hone wear on the spine. In fact, the wear was also uneven. I asked the assistant if it was new or used - they assured me it was new.

I think I read somewhere that Dovo finish their blades off by hand, so I suppose some hone marks are inevitable. But this was way more than just marks, and I was suprised by it.