Ive been seeing around the site lately people have been saying to have your razors professionally honed. I can see this for a beginner and their first razor so they can shave with it right away. However on vintage razors i don't see why anyone wouldn't want to hone their own razor. If one is into vintage blades I'd wager that they have been in the game for a while and have honed a razor or two. I think as the hobby part of STR8s one would want to divulge in all the aspects of the art. Furthermore, how would one become a honemeister if they never practice. I guess my question is, do professional honers have computerized machines or super ultra equipment or techniques that make them a "cut above" the home honing standard. I am not bashing anything just simply curious. I know that I consider the time and concentration required to hone blades, knives and razors, to be a form of therapy simply because you have to put all your brain power into the action. Was just curious and thought of this the other day while I was shaving, Which by the way was my 4th shave. Doing good...still nicking myself but only because Im going to fast. I watched a video on here yesterday and learned some things so I'm just gonna keep truckin'. Take er easy yall!