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  1. #1
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Talking What Was It Like Before...........

    I was just thinking about the years that I was only using the straight
    razor sometimes vs. using it on a regular basis. Talk about a rut. 30
    minutes from wake up till out the front door. Same aftershave. Same
    routine. Everything seemed like a chore. Same rush.
    Now.........looking forward to trying a new razor, new aftershave, new
    soap, new anything. Not being able to keep the hands off the smoooooth
    face. The relaxation from the process of whipping up soap and
    stropping. What a positive impact on my entire life. This continues to
    be one of the more fun things I have ever done, not to mention meeting
    so many new people and being able to preserve something with so much
    meaning. So.....what was it like for you???? Lynn

  2. #2
    Senior Member str8rzrshvr's Avatar
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    Default I agree, Lynn.

    It was more like a tedious routine versus an enjoyable experience. Although I've only been straight shaving about 5 months, I can't imagine ever going back to the "Gillette" way. However, I did purchase a Merkur DE razor for those days that are time constrained. But, I still take the time to enjoy the experience.

    Since converting from the newfangled, multiple-blade way to the old-school way of simply using one blade, I look forward to my daily ritual. It's no longer a tedious chore but a time I truly look forward to. Like you said, the different razors, creams, aftershaves, etc. truly makes each day different and makes shaving each day a new experience.

    It's a great experience. One that I wish I had discovered much sooner than I did. Now that I have, I won't ever have to think of shaving as a chore again!



  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Talking Much The Same For Me

    Actually, shaving became one of the most invisible routines of my day before. Fresh out of the shower enabled me to shave without shaving cream or aftershave. Took all of five minutes. Shaves were never bad, but nowhere near the kind of shave a well honed straight provides. With the Lush Ambrosia and a few hot towels my face comes out soft, smooth and supple. That never happened with the Gillette. This place has been invaluable. Not only have I had the opportunity to explore facets of razors and shaving that I would likely have remained completely ignorant of, but I also find myself surrounded by gentlemen of great integrity. That's reassuring for more than just my shaving. I know all you gents would only be too happy to offer advice or assistance on a wide range of topics and I find myself swept along by the generosity and kind spirits I encounter. Dare I say I am a better person for these forums? Maybe that's a bit too much to ask, but it does tend to bring out the best in me.
    Yes, this IS me at my best. Might not seem like much to you, but it matters to me.


  4. #4
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    That is true also for me. Shaved in the shower, cheapest can of foam I could find. Rush and get it done. I still get out of the john in 45 minutes with a shower and a str8 shave but I enjoy it more. My skin is alot better after using the str8 my wife noticed that yesterday. I guess fear tightens up the muscles. I also now spend more on the sooap or creams.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Shaving for me was a four letter word...ATRA! Barbasol foam, or Edge if I could find it on sale. For years shaved in the shower using the bath soap. I shaved N-S, then did a little touch up. I had no idea or designs on making more than one pass. Today, each step of the process is enjoyed!


  6. #6
    Member jjs1235's Avatar
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    Sat nite over dinner, I was trying to explain to my wife this new obsession. She sees all the debits in the checking account for the various shaving items and starts to complain. I was telling her that shaving before was something I had to do, now it is something I like and want to do.

  7. #7
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    I hated shaving, my mode of operation was every few days I would take the mach 3 into the shower with me and mow down the stubble. I couldnt shave more than every 3 days witout getting bad irritation on my neck.

    ive only been trying straights for about 10 days now and can count on both hands the number of shaves that I have had with the straight. I now look forward to my next shave to see if i can get a clean close shave instead of a bloody self sacrifice. It does seem to be getting better

  8. #8
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    I started to take an interest in the shaving ritual when I was given Mercur DE years ago. It was (still is) a cool tool to use, and the shave was suprisingly better than the Bic disposables I was using at the time. My notion of straight razor shaving was something that people did in the 1800's as depicted in old western movies. Although I don't quite remember exactly what steered me to take an interest in straight razors a few months ago, I have become quite absorbed in what is to me an "artform" almost.
    After discovering this website I was quickly drawn into this small but growing community of SR shavers, and it has been alot of fun. I am still a "beginner" but I eagerly look forward to the daily shave, trying new shaving soaps and aftershaves.
    The other thing I like is that we have people here from all over the world from all walks of life. A small common interest like shaving is all it takes to bring people together in freindly discussion . . . hmmm, that was easy.


  9. #9
    Senior Member JerseyLawyer's Avatar
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    I started using quality creams and a brush several years before I ever picked up anything other than a disposable razor, and really enjoy the difference in the shave (to the extent that it pains me if I ever have to use a can of foam).

    After a while using quality product, you can really feel the difference of the menthol and chemicals in more "modern" shave products.

    I started straight razor shaving because I thought it would be cool. Now I've found that women think it's sexy and that you always get a reaction when people find out (usually because I somehow mention my newest razor acquisition).

  10. #10
    Senior Member wvbias's Avatar
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    Shaving for me was never really a problem. I've used
    the Atra, Sensor and Mach3. Also I've used a mug and
    brush on and off for 20 years - burma shave brush and
    either surrey or williams soap. When not doing the brush
    thing Colgate in a can.

    Then last September sick of paying outthe a** for
    mach3 cartridges I went to a Merkur DE and Vulfix
    silvertip. I also orderd a cake of classic coconut
    and a tub of taylor's lavender. I do have to say
    the DE shave is hard to beat for closeness.

    Shaving then went from a chore to something I enjoyed
    and looked forward to.

    While I enjoyed my DE I couldn't shake the nagging desire
    to try shaving with a straight. So in mid January I found this
    forum, emailed Lynn inquirung if he had a straight for sale
    and to my misfortune he said yes. I haven't touched my
    DE since shaving with a straight for the first time on Jan. 28.
    I am hooked. Not only on straight shaving but this forum as


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