Hi folks,

I've had a Dovo carbon steel razor for a couple of months now and I shave with it about 3-4 times a week. In the last 2 weeks, I've noticed some small dark spots that I think are rust. Some are on the back side and some are along the bottom edge of the gold wash. They are about the size of specks of pepper.

I try to keep water away from my razor yet it doesn't help. I live in Los Angeles so it's fairly dry here. I keep the razor in a warm and dry cupboard. When I shave, I don't rinse off the razor but wipe away the soap on a towel. I rinse the razor once after I'm done and dry it with a towel, then dry it with a blow dryer until it's almost too warm to touch, then I apply a light coat of Sterol. In spite of all this, these rust spots are getting more and more plentiful. Is there anything I can do to stop this or do I just live with it?