Well, I finally got off my lazy ass and took 7 solid hours to finish the traveling razor up. It came out ok. I am semi-pleased. I better see if it'll shave before I send it out, though.

I left the blade a little thick just because it's going around the world, so to speak. It should need nothing more than a good strop at each stop for the whole trip. If you think it needs honing, get with me first, so we are on the right page for the procedure. It's a little different than a regular razor.

It took me a while to figure out how to fit the 14 rubies in the tang. Yep... I said rubies. They are in the shape of the Big Dipper... or close to it. I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to get my logo on the blade, so I needed to identify the razor somehow or another.

Because of the dip between the blade and the genuine mastodon scales on the handle, I came up with the hair-brained idea to call it the Big Dipper. So, the "big dipper" it is, will be headed to Canada shortly for Vlad to make a box for it.

Then it's off to the X-man, then to RT. I have a couple of addresses from you guys, but not from everyone who originally expressed interest in using it for a week. I need you to send me your email and mailing address, so I can keep up with things. Even if I have mailed something to you as recent as a week ago, I need you to send it again. I am not going to hunt everyone down. If I don't get your address, it can't get to you, know what I mean?

My email: urleebird@comcast.net Put "Travel Razor" in the subject line

In addition, my friend, Bill Coffey, is also making about 4 straight razors for me. Two of them are damascus. You're gonna pee your pants when you see them! Diamonds n stuff on the back of the tang. Some really wild file work... yada yada. They will be for sale here for a couple days before I put them on my web site. Save your pennies. We're gonna try to get them to you for less than $500

Bill is good. How good, you say? Nothing nowhere will beat the quality that you will witness here shortly, I guarantee it. That includes anything I have ever done when I am at my very best.

Oh... in case you want to see what it looks like...
