Hey guys. I know similar discussions have been had on this topic, but I have recently spoken to several people that have told me both razors and scissors have been stolen by TSA luggage checkers and I have personally had stuff stolen from checked luggage.

This really burns me. You can't bring the stuff on the plane, so you have to check it. You can't lock the stuff up, because they have to search it. Then they help themselves to your valuables. What the heck?

So now, I have to travel. Even a razor I paid $10.00 is worth more than that by the time I'm done with it and I don't want it stolen.

So that leaves me with a DE or a Shavette type razor. Either one of which I either have to check the luggage or buy blades at the destination, which for sure will be just some generic blade - not a Derby or other good blade.

So I have two questions. First what is the value in getting a Parker or Dovo Shavette, and second what has been peoples experience buying DE blades at the destination.

Thanks in advance.