I've been heading out and about to the local antique shops these past few weeks and managed to pick up some real prizes. A couple of them might be restored a little bit, mostly to cover up other restoration attempts. One pair will need some major work, but I'm very happy with all of them.

The first set I picked up are a matched pair of carved bone 6/8 gold washed beauties from Ewald Krone. Marked with "GOLD E.K.S. KRONE", the compamy was based in Solingen and made all types of cutlery from 1919-1922. I don't know if the short life of the company is a good thing or a bad thing? It reminds me of the Kellogg cereal wars in Battlecreek. This pair shows minimal hone wear and slight rust spotting, with the gold wash on the spine and tang about 95% intact. Also, I say these are bone as they show little of the typical ivory graining, don't flex easily, have thicker scales than ivory and pass the hot needle test.
Here are a few pics of the beauties...
Pair in Box
Full View
Closeup of Carving
Gold Tangs with Company Markings
Spine Shot

The next one is an Pinned Ivory darling that called my name. The piece was labeled as an "inlaid French Ivory Razor" but the extent of the pinning, the thickness of the scales, the stubby tail and the hot needle test all tell me it is really old and really ivory. Since the guy didn't think it was ivory, I managed to pick it up cheap.
Pinned Beauty
Detailed Pinning with Silver Cab
Stubby Tail
Details, Details...

The blade sports some crummy grinding marks from a past restoration attempt and that's the only thing that's keeping me from leaving this thing the way it is. I'll get the blade up to par and see if I can get it into my rotation of antique ivory shavers!

I'll see if I can post the other razors I bought in another post at another time, as this post is already long and pic-heavy. Any thoughts or comments appreciated.
