I am curious why people on here started shaving with a straight. before taking up the straight i shaved maybe 2 X a week as I hated it. And if i shaved much more frequently my neck turned to hamburger.
I wasnt that interested in geting a close shave. Ive proudly shown stubble in my professional job for years. I am not THAT environmentally concience to worry about the so called landfill problem, and evenif i was i could always use a DE and recyle the blades. Even though I am old fashioned in a lot of ways I did not feel that I needed another connectio to the past. I started straight shaving moslty so that I could say that I shaved with something I sharpened myself. Its been slcoe to 3 months now since i bought my first flea market razor and sharpened it with my arkansas surgical balck stone and some rifle bore leaning compound and i am proud to say that since then a modern cartridge razor has not touched my face. I have moved on since then and purchased one of Tony's fine haning strops. aquired a norton, smeared diamond paste on some balsa wood. and got my wife to get me a coticule for my birthday. My shaves are much better now then they were when i first began, i remeber my esceitement i had when i first honed a razor to the point i could pas the HHT. I also remeber the difference i had when i added a [pasted "strop" to the mix. all in all it has been an extreme learning experiance. Honing consistantly, i have found, is not a skill easily mastered.