My wife had noticed that I had learned alot about shaving and wanted help with her shaving of legs and such. I am not sure a Straight is wuite right for her and she is a bit intimidated by that Idea so I picked up an old simple Gillette DE today and cleaned it up. I bought some cheap blades at the local grocers. A generic brand as that is all they had.
I did not feel right turning her lose with it if i hadnt at least tried it on my face so i decided to shave my cheeks and around my mouth, I didnt do much in the way of prep. just whipped up some taylors cream, slathered it on, and attacked with the DE.
My overall impression was BORING. Egads there was no adrenaline rush or need to concentrate like there is when you have 3 inches of naked steel against the face. I also noticed that it seemed to pull as much as my straghts though this may be due to the fact i didnt prep nearly as well as usuall.