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  1. #1
      Lynn's Avatar
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    May 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri, United States
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    Thumbs up SRP 10 Year Anniversary!!

    Hi Guys,

    Last month was the 10th Anniversary since the original Yahoo SRP was founded. It seems like a million years ago and yesterday at the same time.

    The wet shaving environment has now grown from obscurity to an industry large enough to attract major businesses.

    I was given the privilege to do a guest blog on Mantic59's Blog Spot and have attached it here. Mantic59's Shaving Journal Thanks Mark!

    This site remains the authoritative forum for straight razor information and contributes to all wet shaving information. What has made it so successful has been a great membership and the best bunch of Moderators and Super Moderators in the world. Many of these folks have been around since the old Yahoo days. We are a site not driven by special interests or vendors here just to take money out of this growing environment. Our mission is the same as it was on day one; to preserve and promote the art of straight razor shaving! We started this mission with a desire to pay it forward and a great vision of helping other people to become successful and enjoy straight razor shaving and all the wonderful aspects of wet shaving. I truly believe this spirit is alive and well here.

    I would like to thank each and every one of you for your participation, wish you a great Holiday Season and hope that you will all help the next guy learn about what a great treasure we have here!

    Have fun,

    Last edited by Lynn; 12-07-2010 at 03:28 PM.

  2. The Following 72 Users Say Thank You to Lynn For This Useful Post:

    8BallAce (01-30-2011), AFDavis11 (12-08-2010), AlanII (12-11-2010), baldy (12-09-2010), BanjoTom (12-07-2010), BKratchmer (12-08-2010), BladeRunner001 (12-08-2010), blugill (12-07-2010), Brando (12-07-2010), chaos945 (12-07-2010), chay2K (12-07-2010), coachmike (12-07-2010), commiecat (12-07-2010), deighaingeal (12-07-2010), dirtychrome (12-08-2010), DLB (04-18-2011), DwarvenChef (12-08-2010), eleblu05 (02-27-2011), Gadget (12-07-2010), GeauxLSU (02-14-2011), Glenn24 (12-07-2010), goaT (12-07-2010), Grump (12-07-2010), gugi (12-08-2010), hi_bud_gl (12-13-2010), JimmyHAD (12-07-2010), JMIdeker (12-07-2010), Joed (12-07-2010), KalgoorlieBoi (12-08-2010), Kingfish (12-11-2010), lesshairy (12-08-2010), mainaman (12-07-2010), manah (12-08-2010), Maxi (12-08-2010), Maximilian (12-07-2010), mbrando (12-08-2010), MisterA (12-07-2010), mrbhagwan (12-07-2010), Mvcrash (12-07-2010), MykelDR (12-07-2010), nessmuck (12-08-2010), nickymcc (12-07-2010), nubskillz (12-07-2010), Obie (12-08-2010), orretfisker (12-07-2010), Otto (12-08-2010), Peto (12-08-2010), Pops! (12-07-2010), ReardenSteel (12-07-2010), ri7ani (12-07-2010), roughkype (12-07-2010), Ryan82 (12-07-2010), ScienceGuy08 (12-08-2010), Scipio (12-13-2010), sicboater (12-08-2010), sigmasix (12-10-2010), Skippy (02-27-2011), smokinwill (04-30-2011), spazola (12-07-2010), speckey (12-13-2010), Stubear (12-07-2010), Tam905 (12-07-2010), TeMpTiN (12-07-2010), thebigspendur (12-07-2010), ThePhill (12-07-2010), Troggie (12-07-2010), Tuxedo7 (12-07-2010), Undream (12-07-2010), wescap34 (12-08-2010), Willie (12-08-2010), wmac (02-27-2011), wvloony (12-11-2010)

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