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  1. #1
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    Default Ebay ivory isn't always ivory

    Here's a good example of what's NOT ivory:

    Note the specles and discolorations most prominent toward the anterior and posterior ends of the scales. Ivory that looks like this isn't ivory. It's bone.

    Not that there's anything wrong with bone. Heck, bone is tougher than ivory and like these, you'll rarely see it cracked or broken while ivory is definitely more delicate and fragile. But ivory is worth a lot more than bone, so if you want ivory, avoid ivory with "pitting" and avoid ivory with uniform "grain" that goes up and down the scales (that's ivory celluloid or "French" ivory).

  2. #2
    Senior Member Redwoood's Avatar
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    Hmm, that's odd.
    I always thought that the seller, carventer, knew his stuff and had a solid reputation as well.
    Anybody want to comment?


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