Willing to trade my credit card for some RAD busting self control.

I don’t know what has suffered more nicks ….. my strop, my face, or my wallet.

Trade details: You send me self control. I send you my credit card to hold (I’d also give you exclusive control of my paypal account so I couldn’t circumvent the trade agreement). You'd then pre-screen all my shaving related purchases. When I'm cured of my various RAD and HAD afflictions you'd send my credit card back – hopefully in its original condition – and I'd mail the self control back to you to share with other SRP members who might be in need. I'll cover CONUS postage ($14 extra for international).

Surely there has to be reformed addicts out there willing to share a little self restraint? If roles were reversed, I’d gladly do the same for you guys. Come on. Anyone?