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  1. #1
    Robert Williams Custom Razors PapaBull's Avatar
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    What is there to like about those big-arse sheffield meatchoppers? Good question!

    NOTHING! They're overpriced junk and I wish everyone would quit bidding on the damned things. I hate it when people start running the price up like that by talking about how wonderful those razors are.

    5/8" Baby!!!!! That's the real deal!

  2. #2
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I really see no advantage to size but I do experience a better shave with a thicker grind i.e. wedge, 1/4 or 1/2 hollow. The 4/8, 5/8 and 6/8 are also easier to hone.

    Just my two cents,
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Its not just about the size factor here. I have a few 7/8s and 8/8s razors of German manufacture and the filamonica is 7/8s but they are much thinner and lighter. The W&B is just incredibly heavy and massive in a way the others aren't. I don't think I would sell it but it will remain in that corner of my razor box with my Japanese razor. A curiosity to be dragged out and used a couple times a year.

    I think that for me 5/8 and 6/8 is the way to go.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur
    I think that for me 5/8 and 6/8 is the way to go.
    This is really the deciding factor, or should be, for everyone. It's not about what everyone else likes. It's what you like. This is the reason we don't all drive black cars that are identical. It's called personal preference.

    For me, I like the larger, heavier blades. That's my personal preference. I like the heft and stability of the larger blades, and am most fond of shaving with wedges. Call me crazy, but to me, a 5/8 full hollow is too light. A 5/8 wedge is much more useable to me. I don't hink I would be comfortable with a 4/8 at all.

    Different strokes!!

  5. #5
    OLD BASTARD bg42's Avatar
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    Personaly I like them all,each has their own attraction
    Kind regards peter

  6. #6
    < Banned User > Flanny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by canerunner
    This is the reason we don't all drive black cars that are identical.

    It's because we don't all work for the "one world government"!!!!!

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JLStorm's Avatar
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    8/8 or bust!!!

  8. #8
    Knife & Razor Maker Joe Chandler's Avatar
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    I'm kinda partial to 5/8s and 6/8s myself. I've gotten good shaves with everything from a 4/8 up, though. 6/8 to me is the perfect compromise between "manly" heft and controllability. That size just appeals to my eye, too. To each his/her own. I've got a 6/8 Filly square point full hollow, though, that seems much heavier and stiffer than the typical full hollow...more like a half. I love Filarmonicas. So much so that I went in debt to acquire another. The grind seems more important than the size. I've got an ivory handled 4/8 Eskilstuna that shaves like a much bigger's got a shoulderless, almost frameback grind that imparts a lot of stiffness to the blade, and I didn't get that singing rasp so common to very thin-bladed razors. The big razors are nice from a aesthetic standpoint, but I don't know that they shave any better. They're a fad, for the most part. 5/8 isn't the most popular, common size for no reason. If more people wanted them, the companies would make more of them, and charge out the wazoo for 'em. All that aside, a half-hollow seems to me to be the best compromise between a stiff blade (quiet shaving) and ease of honing and quality of edge. I like 'em all.

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