Almost a year ago, one of my co-workers was ranting about having to keep on buying & throwing away expensive razor cartridges. I simply asked him if he was aware that alternatives were available. Then I told him about straight razors, DE razors, brushes, soaps & creams and how shaving can actually be enjoyable. Anyways, I send him a few links to various online shops so he can see what I’m talking about.

2 weeks later he shows me his new DE razor, his brush, soap & stand. I give him a few tips on how to use all his new acquisitions, and he’s off.
A few months ago, he tells me he MIGHT want to try a straight razor. To this I simply tell him that whenever he feels ready, to just let me know and that I’ll give him a razor & show him how to use it.

Well, not long ago, he told me he was ready. I got him a nice little geneva from the classifieds, and prepared him a pasted balsa strop. Another one of my co-workers made him a paddle strop (That’s another story, I learned recently that one of my co-workers has been shaving with a dovo for 15 years, makes his own strops & swords….)

Yesterday, I started out by showing him how to strop, refresh his edge with the CrOx balsa, and how to shave. I did a demo shave showing him short strokes, long strokes, scything, etc. and then made him shave only his side burns. He did his right side with his right hand, and left side with his left hand. Everything went fine, his reaction was priceless when he touched the freshly shaven skin, it was as if he was surprised it was shaven! He looked proud at what he just did.
I think he’s hooked, we’ve got another straight razor user !