Having developed a collection of 28 razors representing the USA, Germany, France, Sweden, England, and Spain in a variety of sizes and grinds, I enjoy the collection and find it fun to share it with interested friends. However, after the first couple of experiences, I have become concerned about the lack of care in which an uninitiated person handles a very, sharp straight razor. More than once, I have saved one of my friends from really cutting themselves. No one in my circle of friends use a straight razor and most of them have never actually held a straight razor before.

My friends don't seem to realize how sharp a razor is and that you don't test it by running your finger down the edge or hold the razor by closing your hand around the blade.

I keep all my razors in a beautiful 14" x 7" x 3" wooden display case and it has to be opened to even see the razors. I feel awkward showing them the razors and either not allowing them to handle them or having to give a set of instructions or warnings before I do let them handle them.

While I am, of course, a little concerned about damage to the edge or the razor, I am more concerned about someone seriously cutting themselves. My wife always wants me to show the collection to our friends but I am getting really gun-shy about it. After some near-call incidents, showing them gives me more stress than satisfaction. I am about to the point of keeping a bread-knifed razor for show and tell. I really like my case but I see why some people put their collections in glass cabinets; more to protect the uninitiated than to protect the razors.

How do the rest of you handle this situation.