Im going to try and keep this from being too long winded
I'm just happy to share my experience here

Yesterday I needed to touch up a couple of razors
The usual story (especially as I am a relatively new member)
Razors got a little edge damage -

#1 from hitting sink water outlet - edge damage near heel (Robeson ShurEdge 5/8)
#2 from being dropped on the floor - flattened edge toe end (The Barbers Delight 6/8)

Used my trusty barber hone and made slurry on it
about 20 minutes of honing and frequent checking razor #1 was ready for stropping
Stropped on paddle strop with Cr Ox surface 30 laps, last 10 light pressure
Then moved to pressed felt paddle with .50 diamond sprayed on for 30 laps and last 10 light pressure
Then to poor man strop for 50 laps - 20 light pressure, 30 no pressure
Hairs really popping easily off my arm

To razor #2 now
Used barber hone and slurry again
A good 30 minutes spent honing and checking this time
I was having plenty of trouble getting the toe looking right
I kept seeing this bright spot peeking at me when I looked at the edge under my light
Happy to say I got a nice edge on it
Went to 2 sided paddle strop (whipped dog one)
Stropped 30 laps on Fe Ox side - same as above method
Then Cr Ox for 30 laps - same as above
Then to hanging felt strop for 30 laps
Finished with 50 laps on hanging leather strop - same method as above
Arm hair popping test equally as good as for #1 - IME

Shave test
Lathered with the Razorock LE soap
Must be the best soap I have tried yet
Very nice lather for all 3 passes

Razor #1 - Shave first pass only - WTG
Shave the whiskers off fairly well, just a bit of tugging felt around the neck where
it grows thickest, which is why only one pass was done with this razor

Razor #2 - Shave 2nd & 3rd pass - XTG x 2
Certainly felt like it shaved better, could be due to less growth to remove
Shave overall felt like a very good result. not BBS but getting very close to it

Overall I felt like my honing skill is probably still a little bit off the standard needed for really sharp edges. Each time I do anything with my Barber hone, I learn from it. (its my only finisher - for now 2 1/2" x 1 3/4")

I have a nice Thuringian stone coming soon from one of our members
That will add to the mix and give me something else to work out
At the very least it will be a better size to work with at 8" x 1 1/2" surface size

Thoughts or comments most welcome from anyone interested

Have a good day