Hello to everyone. Let me start out by saying I haven't shaved in three days and I really want to. My major malfunction is this, I'm the dummy that went to AOS with my wife for my Christmas gift she bought me a nice Thiers Island razor, it's not the fanciest but I love it. Being new to the game I had no idea what to do or what to get, so I let the sales guy talk me out of buying a strop, he said it would void the warranty and I should only send it off every eight months to get it done. With all of the helpful suggestions I got here, thanks again too everyone by the way, I learned he probably was just misinformed and in no way intentionally misled me, and meant honing. Anyway I have shaved with it a few times, and I'm happy to say it was as great as I thought it would be just in the experience alone I did my whole face the first time and its been great since, but i found out from suggestions here that it wasn't even ready when i got it even though it said shave ready. Now surely after a few having never been stropped I'm sure it's worst now, but i really want to shave. My question is can I shave, and if i do does it pose a risk to messing up my blade? If it does i won't but if it's ok I realy want too.
