So, in September, Lynn honed me up a couple of razors. I knew that they were wicked sharp, but did not know that they are in fact indestructable, impervious even to mothers-in-law.

My habit after shaving is to clean and dry the blade, strop lightly, then coat the blade in alcohol. I then leave it on my tall dresser, open, resting on its spine with the edge upward. Later in the day, I fold it up and lay it flat.

My mother-in-law visited recently. Apparently she decided to dust the dresser. Toward that end, she PILED EVERYTHING ON TOP OF MY OPEN, BLADE-UP RAZOR. This included, but was not limited to:
1. a hand-held radio;
2. my Radio Shack hand-held microscope;
3. shoe-horn;
4. Tiffany pocket-watch, boxed;
5. Merkur Slant-bar DE razor;
6. two packs of blades for same; and...
7. heavy marble Buddha, fist-sized.

After regulating my breathing and massaging my heart for a while, I decided to take a day before assessing the damage. On that second day, I inspected the edge with the microscope; looked fine. I stropped it with care, about 60 laps. Finally, I shaved. A fine, smooth, close, three-pass shave.

All I can guess is that she managed to bump the dresser, knocking the razor onto its side, before piling everything on. Even so, it is evident to me that Lynn is partnering up with some priest, shaman or Tibetan monk to impart supernatural strength to his handiwork. Thanks, and keep up the good work!