So, last night I had my first wet shaving dream! Nothing too exciting and I don't remember all...

I was in my bathroom (ahem, shave den) and was shaving with the straight. I had maybe completed a cheek, jaw and neck side. The chin, mouth, lips and other side were covered in a surprisingly thick lather (I'm actually not this good in real life with lathering up!). I was rinsing off my blade when I decided to tap it on the edge of the sink like a freaking toothbrush. It went TINK! and a huge chip was broken right off of my blade! OMG! A good third of the blade snapped off from the heel area and all that remained was the spine and some of the toe. I was so sad and surprised. I had a feeling of the world ending kind of overtaking my whole body.

I woke up with this horrible feeling and was dazed and scared. I had to go look. There, in my shave den, was good ol' spike, well rested and completely unharmed. Whew!

Ever had a shaving dream? Maybe a good one? Like the best shave ever? Ever had it go bad? Like breaking the blade, cutting your face, or the brush starts crawling after you? Maybe shaving in a weird place or with a rusty butterknife? I'd love to read about your Wet (shaving) Dream!