Join us March 1st @ 9AM in Valley Stream, NY for a fun-filled morning of razor talk and show and tell

Join like-mined friends from SRP for a meet up. A morning filled with talk and demonstrations on the subject of razors, honing, shaving and related subject matters. Thinking of buying a JNAT? Ask Nelson our local Jnat Guru. Or Bill3152. Bill has an encyclopedic knowledge of Jnats and the disposition of a kitten. So patient and kind as the day is long.

Got a razor that pulls a little? Bring it along and have one of the master honing experts show you how to get that edge back and more importantly how to maintain it yourself.

Come trade, sell or simply show off your beauties. Make us all envy with jealousy at the great deal you found in the wild.

Place: 420 West Merrick Rd Valley Stream, NY 11580. Just over the Queens border into Nassau County
30 minutes from the GWB and close to all major highways
PM me if you need directions.

Please respond so we can get a head count. I have nearly a dozen confirmations already!
Don't miss out.

Coffee especially roasted and brewed by our own barista GC7 will be served as well as NYC bagels.
For those with a sweet tooth (Nelson) we will have a doughnut ready for you.

p.s. I regret that Michael (mjsorking) will not be able to attend. Forgive me Michael. wont happen again