Hello Everyone,
In a couple of weeks I am giving an introductory wetshaving seminar at work (I was discussing this with edhewitt a coupla weeks ago)
And based on the feedback I received from various people I wondered: would wet shavers in the 613 area code be interested in some kind of gathering? Or at least, give the opportunity for some more experienced individuals to instruct some of us newbies.
I know I have been asked many questions by co-workers about honing and SR edge maintenance, for example.
So, for now, I just want to gauge interest.
I would like to arrange it for this summer (2015). Perhaps, between mid-June and mid-August.
But for now, I only want to see if there is interest.
If you would potentially be interested, could you reply to this thread to let me know, please?
Alternatively, feel free to PM me.
Oh, and it doesn't just have to deal with wet shaving. I hear that brush making and smoking pipes are also a thing!